Christianity - Sdbiblestudy Church

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Vala by William Blake

VALA BY WILLIAM BLAKE I present a Christmas gift of the entirety of the epic poem Vala by William Blake. It is about 42,000 words in length, about the length of a grand novella. I have included nine podcasts of a series for easier comprehension, with the corresponding text and source files for unmodified, non-commercial… read more »

Community Notes on Human Destiny

COMMUNITY NOTES ON HUMAN DESTINY A topic on human destiny is someone had a question about what anyone thinks about the End Times events in the Bible and that there is some talk about it. My Bible reading is more similar to the ideas of Leo Tolstoy and Philip K. Dick on Christianity; in other… read more »

The Sufis

THE SUFIS The Sufis do not form a sect with definite dogmas. Like the monastic orders of Christendom, they comprise many shades of opinion, many schools of thought, many divergent tendencies—from asceticism and quietism to the wildest extravagances of pantheism. European students of Sufism are apt to identify it with the pantheistic type which prevails… read more »

Community Notes on Zoroastrianism Christianity

COMMUNITY NOTES ON ZOROASTRIANISM CHRISTIANITY August 10, 2023 As follows are community notes on Zoroastrianism Christianity: Commodus, Caligula, and Nero are three reasons why monarchy is a dangerous practice. Despotism would be preferable to monarchy. A constitutional, meritocractic, capitalistic republic seems like an acceptable political ideal; however, the United States seems to be degrading due… read more »

Ahuna Vairya

THE AHUNA VAIRYA AND INNER PEACE The Ahuna Vairya prayer is a direct contribution to humanity from the prophet Zarathushtra Spitama (Zoroaster), the founder of the world’s most ancient and continuously practiced monotheistic religion, Mazdayasna, also called Zoroastrianism. There are many extensive and profound similarities pertaining to Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and other faiths as well such… read more »

Early Christianity Unveiled by Alan Lewis Silva

EARLY CHRISTIANITY UNVEILED PRESS RELEASE December 19, 2022 Early Christianity Unveiled is an anthology of nine rare works radiating loving light to humanity. This book offers an elemental key to the door of Heaven, which presents spiritual knowledge of God’s love and care for His Creation. The texts in this volume are as follows: Four… read more »

Avesta (Praise) & Bible (Library)

Avesta (Praise) & Bible (Library) The Ancient Avesta of Zoroastrianism is 21 Nasks corresponding to the 21 words of the Yatha Ahu Waiyo prayer Ahura Mazda taught to Zoroaster. It is the most holy prayer and manthra that defeats the devil, very similar to the Lord’s Prayer. I pray both prayers just about every day,… read more »


CHRISTIANITY ACCORDING TO PARALLEL VERSES FROM JESUS TO THE APOSTLE JOHN If we examine Christianity as taught by Jesus to the apostle John, we see a remarkable vision of God’s will for humanity. This Bibles study takes us into the life of Christ, where we find love, compassion, grace, mercy, healing, and miracles. Christianity is… read more »
