Humanities Blog

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Claims of Identity by Alan Lewis Silva

CLAIMS OF IDENTITY BY ALAN LEWIS SILVA This Humanities post features my book CLAIMS OF IDENTITY by Alan Lewis Silva, a book of essays discussing relationships between archetypes and identities. Drawing on history, timeless tropes, and comparative literature, this book explores the activities of identification in a variety of ways, adding significance to representations of… read more »

Vala by William Blake

VALA BY WILLIAM BLAKE I present a Christmas gift of the entirety of the epic poem Vala by William Blake. It is about 42,000 words in length, about the length of a grand novella. I have included nine podcasts of a series for easier comprehension, with the corresponding text and source files for unmodified, non-commercial… read more »

The Sufis

THE SUFIS The Sufis do not form a sect with definite dogmas. Like the monastic orders of Christendom, they comprise many shades of opinion, many schools of thought, many divergent tendencies—from asceticism and quietism to the wildest extravagances of pantheism. European students of Sufism are apt to identify it with the pantheistic type which prevails… read more »

Community Notes on the Age of the Holy Spirit

COMMUNITY NOTES ON THE AGE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (AND DRAGON BLOODLINES) August 14, 2023 Saint Peter’s basilica is in the shape of a dragon wearing a crown. The Pope’s audience hall is also in the shape of serpent head. I think it has to do partly with the dragon bloodlines from ancient Sumeria, and… read more »

May UNITE Newsletter

MAY UNITE NEWSLETTER: California Out of Control “As we begin this May UNITE Newsletter, California continues to mangle the First Amendment with a snitch line for reporting ‘hate’ speech while activists harass and attack conservative speakers.” May UNITE Newsletter: Censorship California continues to mangle the 1st Amendment with a snitch line for reporting “hate” speech… read more »

Alan Lewis Silva Discography

ALAN LEWIS SILVA DISCOGRAPHY Alan is a singer-songwriter of original music. His musical style is lyrical folk, rock, blues, fado, and reggae. Musical Shadows is a book of his songs corresponding to 20 albums of music. It collectively tells the story of a millennial generation adapting to the climate of southern California during the information… read more »
