Bible - Sdbiblestudy Church

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Claims of Identity by Alan Lewis Silva

CLAIMS OF IDENTITY BY ALAN LEWIS SILVA This Humanities post features my book CLAIMS OF IDENTITY by Alan Lewis Silva, a book of essays discussing relationships between archetypes and identities. Drawing on history, timeless tropes, and comparative literature, this book explores the activities of identification in a variety of ways, adding significance to representations of… read more »

Community Notes on Human Destiny

COMMUNITY NOTES ON HUMAN DESTINY A topic on human destiny is someone had a question about what anyone thinks about the End Times events in the Bible and that there is some talk about it. My Bible reading is more similar to the ideas of Leo Tolstoy and Philip K. Dick on Christianity; in other… read more »

Homilies and Recognitions by Bishop Clement

HOMILIES AND RECOGNITIONS BIBLE STUDY PRESS RELEASE May 28, 2022 This book is Homilies and Recognitions, often referred to as Clementine Literature. The word “homily” means a sermon, but in this case Homilies refers to an entire narrative expression with a beginning, middle, and end, including characters, actions, and teachings. This work claims to have… read more »


CHRISTIANITY ACCORDING TO PARALLEL VERSES FROM JESUS TO THE APOSTLE JOHN If we examine Christianity as taught by Jesus to the apostle John, we see a remarkable vision of God’s will for humanity. This Bibles study takes us into the life of Christ, where we find love, compassion, grace, mercy, healing, and miracles. Christianity is… read more »
